May 11, 2010

Blogging 101: Layout Designs

It's hard to give your blog a unique look when the templates and styles are so limited.
But there's hope...not only has blogger added more options to tweak the layout of your blog and colours, etc.
You can also upload a pre-design template.
Here are a few links that I like....

This designer is my favourite for a few reasons....
1) Very user friendly
2) Simple & clean looking
3) Love how she sets up the "links"

She recently start releasing a blog a week. And I saw a couple that I love. Don't be surprised if you see my blog layout change in the near future.....LOL.

Also check out BT Templates....there are a LOT of choices here so you might be overwhelmed. Starting out I would stick with Simply Fabulous OR what I'm about to suggest next.
Now if you're not used to HTML code and uploading a FULL template like the above.
Then why not try using a colourful background instead

I've mentioned this site before and I'll mention it again.

And if you don't see anything there that catches your eye, then head over to Izzie Grace Blog Backgrounds
Which are the same idea as The Cutest Blog on the Block. So now you have more choices :)

If you attempt any of these and you have problems,.....let me know and I'll try to help you out.

Happy Searching :)

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