May 11, 2011

For Photographers: Packaging Resources

So I love packaging...maybe it’s the scrapbooker in me (the scrapbooker who hasn’t scrapbooked in years since photography has taken over her life) Anyway...I love packaging, the boxes, the ribbons, the colours,....everything.

This past year I’ve really been trying to put together some packaging that says “Christa”  that I like and that I won’t bore of too easily. Yes I get bored easily and picking colours to stick with for my branding has been a HUGE challenge for me.

So anyway...I always found I could never find one website that carried everything that I needed....until now J it’s called HB Photo. I discovered them through another recently discovered website called the Paperie Boutique and I’m hooked.  I find it very helpful with unique photography products and packaging ideas, and not only that, actually tells you where to purchase the products!!!!   

HB Photo carries various size print boxes, folios, CD cases and the list goes on BUT the kicker is the VAREITY in the colours they offer. Oh’s very exciting. Go ahead, check ‘em out.

Here’s another few websites that I like for some of their packaging products.

DNL Photo   - again has boxes, folio’s and CD cases, variety or colours definitely NOT as extensive but definitely another choice supplier.

Effectuality - love these guys for their Tin CD & DVD cases. Plus their white CD sleeves are convenient back up’s to have in stock as well.

Etsy  - as an Etsy lover the sky is the limit. I’ve searched CD cases, marketing packages, album layouts to birth announcements on this site. And that’s just from the photography side, I haven’t even touched on the quirky, personal stuff that I love on there.

Creative Bag  - even has a location in Mississauga for you photographer’s in the Greater Toronto area. Love their black CD sleeves and deluxe boxes which are perfectly sized for 8x8 up to 12x12 albums

I’d love to hear what suppliers you use or what creative ways you may have designed your own packaging :) for anything...not just photography related.

1 comment:

Ivy said...

Great blog you haave